On the East Coast I've been chased out of rest areas at worst and at best got
nasty looks. Out west nobody cares...I've unloaded in weigh stations
(closed-don't invite inquiry at east coast ones), spent the night in the back
of truck stops (horses tied outside). Truckers were great to us and there
were no kids to bother us. Some state parks welcome horses...even found a
few county parks that did. I used KOA's (some can be convinced) when it was
laundry time and battery re-charge and waste tank dumping time.
The North American Horse Travel Guide is also a great help. I carry it
because it has the most places...from B&B's for people with hroses to
fairgrounds, parks, etc. I think traveling this country with horses is fun
albeit a challenge. Met some super people and saw some wonderful
sights....have fun.