ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Thumps

Re: Thumps

Wed, 21 May 1997 01:18:47 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-05-20 09:56:43 EDT, ridecamp@endurance.net writes:

<< too had a problem with thumps early in my horse's career. Dr. Sue Beal
recommended doubling the dose of electrolytes and switching to a good free
choice loose salt and separate loose mineral. I now use Redmond salt and
Rushcreek 1:1 mineral available from ABC's. No more thumps. (knock on wood)

YES.. I was hoping some one else would respond like this..

also WHAT kind and mix of electrolytes.. and at the correct dose..

Enduralytes dose 1.5 oz per shot-- Dr Waldron recommends about 6 oz per 50
miles.. plus the pre-load.. of course that depends on how fast you go and
how hot it is..

We feed ABC -Redmond salt
Redmond min mix
free choice
also just started the free choice 'stress mixes'.
T Mix- vite sel
BVC- b complex
A-- vit A/D
DETOX- herbs and things

I watch what they select. Druing the day after feeding and after a training
ride and after we get back from a competition.

They do not take much of the T mix-- I feed E/SE in the grain .. so they dont
need that.

But since I dont use a shot gun vit supplement much.. they sure do eat up the
BVC and A mix
After feeding most will seek out the redmond salt..and a few take up some
Rushcreek min mix..

these are mined and ground ..not heat processed .

I really think the ABC supplements in a free choice self feed program has
made a difference.. The feeds and hays and filed we have today are very
deficient in the min and vits.. the feeds of 20 years ago are not the same we
get now.
they are loaded with toxic sprays and unless you test the feed you dont know
whats is in them.
The free choice process lets the horse take up what he needs to keep

I will post more on this later.

as a post note.. I suspect from what I have seen in other horses.. a thumper
will repeat.. it may NOT be ALL feed .. like a line of horses all from the
same place or sire/dam.. ?
Roger R

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