ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Vaccinations

Re: Vaccinations

Fri, 16 May 1997 11:35:50 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-05-15 23:29:20 EDT, you write:

<< For years I gave EVERY shot in the book.. and all the new ones that came

I also gave fllu shots about every 60 days.
Reason the vets I dealt with then and what I read said IF we kept the
'teiter'' sp ?
up they would be protected from all the stuff..


Every winter I had a barn full of very sick horses. The workers.. those that
went to rides were worse.. and they had the most shots.

What I learned.. the shots caused the problems..the immunie system was
It did not know how to manage the diseases..

Now I only give Tetnesus.. Rabies.. and i did give in this year to give the
EEE WEE VEE.. and PHF I had a weak monent..
I thought I would only give the 'killer' shots.. I live in the wilderness
forest..lots of critters with rabies..
NEXT year I will give ONLY TET and Rabies.. >>

Dear Roger, (and everyone who has been sending me private e-mails regarding
their vaccine experiences--I may not have time to answer you all privately,
but am trying--!) THANK YOU! I am once again impressed with this group of
people who are ridecampers!--in the "real world" I hardly dare broach this
subject for fear of having Social Services and/or the humane society called
out--and yet nobody who is aghast at my suggestion that we need to take
another look at the entire concept of vaccination/immunization will ever have
any facts to back their hysteria up---hence my request in my original post
that I recieve no e-mail rants! I should have known better . . .
This is honestly the most widely read and broadly thinking group of horsemen
and people I've ever had the pleasure of communicating with.

Trish & "pretty David"(who hopes mom stays tied up answering e-mail all

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