Duncan Fletcher
> From: MARDIP@aol.com
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Feeding...
> Date: Tuesday, May 13, 1997 9:48 AM
> Ok - know this is a subject that everyone has strong opinions on. I
have a
> 12 yr old Arab gelding, 15.2 and quite muscular (everyone mistakes him
> Quarter cross or Morgan). He's an average keeper. On average we're
> 20+ miles a week. Example: Sunday we did 8 miles on moderate hills in 1
> hrs approx. Anyway, as I'm starting to ride him more frequently and at
> faster pace he's dropped a bit of weight (actually looks great right
now). I
> want to maintain his weight, his energy level, and his health of course.
> Currently my feed program is heavy with good intent, and low on actual
> knowledge. He's looking great, just not sure that I'm not doing him a
> disservice, plus as I continue to ride I'm concerned about further weight
> loss and loss of energy.
> Currently feed:
> 1 flake alfalfa mornings (he eats it all up and I've never had a tying
up or
> colic problem)
> 2 flakes oat evenings
> plus in the evening:
> 2 cans alfalfa meal and molasses, 1/2 can of Satin Finish (Rice Bran), 1
> scoop Biotin, 1 measure of Strongid C, 1/2 can of LMF formula A (pelleted
> complete supplement - vitamins, etc. High on fat, low on protein)
> Open to comments, advice...