<< Currently feed:
1 flake alfalfa mornings (he eats it all up and I've never had a tying up
colic problem)
2 flakes oat evenings
plus in the evening:
2 cans alfalfa meal and molasses, 1/2 can of Satin Finish (Rice Bran), 1
scoop Biotin, 1 measure of Strongid C, 1/2 can of LMF formula A (pelleted
complete supplement - vitamins, etc. High on fat, low on protein)
Open to comments, advice...
When I work my horses hard they get all the hay they can eat plus freedom on
pasture (which is not so nutritional, but is great roughage). I hardly feed
any grain, but use 80 to 100% alfalfa. No problems. From what you state, I
would think more hay is in order...