Mike also rides endurance, but has to choose his rides carefully because
of his horses limitations (black QH who is hard to cool, history of
laminitis - tender on rough terrain). He understands what the rider &
horses are going through! He forces food & fluid on the rider (read
huge buffet!). Sometimes I think we're all brain dead after the 1/2 way
point & need a little encouragement to eat & drink. He is excellent
with the horse (knows their quirks)! If a strange horse is on the crew
list, he gets specifics from the rider. He does GREAT trot outs so that
you & the vet can see & discuss any possible problems. He is usually in
charge of logistics - getting all gear, in the right order, to each vet
check in time. He usually comes equipped w/ US Geological Survey maps
so that he finds his way to really obscure points to meet with us on the
trail for support, lytes, fresh girth...
A friend described a ride with him once to an away vet check...
He had 30 minutes to make a 45 minute trip by the regular roads to get
around a line of mountains. After consulting the US Geo Survey & local
maps, he pointed out a "secondary road" through a pass that ended near
the vet check! Off they went, 45-50 mph, over a dirt with LARGE rocks.
Everyone in the truck swore that they thought that only the RIDERS
needed helmets until that drive! I think that there were dents in the
roof! He pulled in 25 minutes later, just as Rocket & I pulled in to
the check. Ride management said they didn't think that the road was
Mike also helps other riders where he can. He had finished his last
scheduled check at last year's Old Dominion in VA when he heard that
there was a stretch where the lack of water was telling on the horses
coming through. (Well pump there had a leaky seal - couldn't fill the
trough that usually sat there.) He filled a 60 gallon tank & drove in
to offer water to all of the horses as they came through. Neither one
of us would ever turn down a rider or horse in need.
As the Purple Team, all crew & riders wear a purple shirt so that they
can be seen at a distance. This really helps in a crowded vet station.
Mike's operation is so slick that several riders have approached him
about crewing professionally - he says that they couldn't afford him!
I'm glad I have him to ride & train with, but I LOVE IT when he crews
for me.
Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch