>I was wondering if anyone could suggest an easy way
to vaccinate my gelding. He is terrified of needles and he
is due for his 4-way, Rhino and PHF which means 3 needles.>
Hi Julia,
I've had this problem before. Here's how I solved it. Make sure you
have a big slot of time. Could take up to 2 hours if you are in a
stabling situation, or you can do 15 minute sessions each day for three
days or so.
Essentially you desensitize the horse to needles. Get a syringe and
needle with the cap on & horse cookies. Can be the vaccine or just an
empty one to use as a dummy. Catch the horse and hold him in your left
hand (if you are right handed). With the dummy in your right hand, and
the cap on, stroke his neck. Then once he stands still for the
stroking, tap him with the capped needle, just like you were sticking
the needle in. If he freaks out, start over with the stroking, then
tap. Once he accepts the tap, then, tap several times in a row until he
accepts that. Then, pet him and give him a horse cookie and turn him
loose. No cookies until the very end of this process.
Repeat this process every 20 minutes (or once a day over several days)
until he accepts the tapping with no apprehension several time. Then,
when you are ready for the shot. Take some time with the petting and
tapping at first. Then give him the shot. Make sure your needle is
brand new and sharp because he will be less likely to feel it.
Works for me. Hope it works for you. Post me if you have questions.
Linda VanCeylon & crew
Buhni, Sunny, Rabbit, & Fiddler