Annette : )
And 11 Mountain Horses today with one on the way, by tonight, I hope!
> From: Diana L. Benson <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: FAQ
> Date: Wednesday, April 30, 1997 7:33 AM
> On Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:25:17 GMT "Joe Long" <> writes:
> >Hey folks,
> >I can foresee at least two controversial areas: "Flames" and
> advertising.
> Hi Joe -
> I commend your efforts but caution against "big government" in the list.
> Though I don't always like what I see, I'd MUCH prefer the list stay a
> living, breathing thing where people can say what ever they wish. We
> all have delete keys.
> For the record, my opinion of flames: If a person gets just plain nasty
> and there's obviously no substance in what they are spewing forth, Steph
> can give them a warning or cut them off if she chooses.
> For the record, my opinion of advertising: Let anyone advertise whatever
> horse-related items they have for sale. So what if it's "commercial" or
> "on sale this week" or "blatant advertising?" It's STILL INFORMATION
> that many of us would like to have! You are probably asking for
> confrontations if you say a saddle dealer can't advertise a saddle for
> sale - what if it's their personal saddle? How in the world would you
> patrol/police that? Again, I can delete anything I don't care to read
> so I'd prefer people be free to advertise their products. (And/or
> advertise their web page or email address for product info - all the
> same difference.) I view getting a commercial email the same as getting
> a catalog in the snailmail.
> If you are seeking to reduce the controversy on the list, how would
> imposing guidelines do it ? - it's still only an opinion of what's
> proper and improper. People who are disrespectful here on the list now
> will not respect your guidelines either! I'd prefer to encourage
> everyone to post privately to people with whom they find their behavior
> objectional. That way, the list's society will police it's own.
> Thanks for the opportunity to voice my views.
> Respectfully,
> Diana Benson