>Hey folks,
>I can foresee at least two controversial areas: "Flames" and
Hi Joe -
I commend your efforts but caution against "big government" in the list.
Though I don't always like what I see, I'd MUCH prefer the list stay a
living, breathing thing where people can say what ever they wish. We
all have delete keys.
For the record, my opinion of flames: If a person gets just plain nasty
and there's obviously no substance in what they are spewing forth, Steph
can give them a warning or cut them off if she chooses.
For the record, my opinion of advertising: Let anyone advertise whatever
horse-related items they have for sale. So what if it's "commercial" or
"on sale this week" or "blatant advertising?" It's STILL INFORMATION
that many of us would like to have! You are probably asking for
confrontations if you say a saddle dealer can't advertise a saddle for
sale - what if it's their personal saddle? How in the world would you
patrol/police that? Again, I can delete anything I don't care to read
so I'd prefer people be free to advertise their products. (And/or
advertise their web page or email address for product info - all the
same difference.) I view getting a commercial email the same as getting
a catalog in the snailmail.
If you are seeking to reduce the controversy on the list, how would
imposing guidelines do it ? - it's still only an opinion of what's
proper and improper. People who are disrespectful here on the list now
will not respect your guidelines either! I'd prefer to encourage
everyone to post privately to people with whom they find their behavior
objectional. That way, the list's society will police it's own.
Thanks for the opportunity to voice my views.
Diana Benson