What I have been able to find is a round braid in 3mm, 5mm and
6mm that I braid 3 or 4 strands of for reins, or using a 1/8" cord,
weaving 4 or 5 strands together. I LOVE THESE! I am thinking about
maybe going into a little entrepreneurial job making these, they are so
wonderful. And hemp is good for the environment, not the oil barons.
If anyone wants more info on hemp or where to get raw materials, books,
clothing etc, email me at: eachberg@sophia.smith.edu
Incidentally, Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and yummy for people and
horses, if we can get it legalized in Northamerica again we will have a
very cheap good source of food, fiber (paper and clothing, building
materials), oil (cars to paints to food to cosmetics). See you later,
I have a grey arab gelding in case you're wondering about that end of it:)
On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Tina Hicks wrote:
> >Barbara Madill wrote:
> >>
> >> I've been waiting for someone to recommend yacht cord for reins.
> >>
> >> I find 3/8" to 1/2" yachting cord reins (60cents a foot or thereabouts in
> >> Home Depot, Lowes, etc.) to have a very nice feel with no problems in rein
> >> or sun or when having to have a brief but meaningful discussion.
> Susan wrote:
> >You're right, now that I think about it, the Parelli lead rope that PP
> >sells through his clinics and catalog is made out of yachting rope, and
> >it is lovely---a nice live feel and lasts forever.
> It's not the same stuff - I have both - there must be different grades of
> yachting rope or maybe the stuff Home Depot calls yachting rope is not the
> real stuff - dunno.
> Tina