ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Base milage before training

Re: Base milage before training

ROBERT J MORRIS (bobmorris@rmci.net)
Mon, 14 Apr 97 19:25:15 -0500

-- [ From: ROBERT J MORRIS * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --


While every one will give you a formula or tell you how many miles to ride I
will keep it simple and say it is up to you.

Many people, no matter how many miles they condition the horse, will never
be ready to compete in endurance. The horse is ready but they are not. I
could take just about any horse going, that has some semblance of
conditioning and complete a creditable 25 mile LD ride.

Your best bet is if you feel competent the horse can walk and trot for 25
miles then try it. Just go out and do it, ride the 25 mile LD. If you or the
horse get to tired then you are not prepared so you must condition a bit
harder before the next attempt.

Remember the most non-completions are not caused by the horse but by the
rider. Tired riders make tired horses, sick riders make sour horses. The
horse reflects your attitude. If you are a "CAN DO" person then your horse
will be fine. Be smart, be happy and have a fun ride.

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID

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