ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Confusion on Heart Rate

Re: Confusion on Heart Rate

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Thu, 20 Mar 97 16:51:29 PST

REPLY TO 03/20/97 10:24 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Confusion on Heart Rate

Yesterday I played hooky in the afternoon and went riding.
Drake now has me totally confused about his heart rate.

Can anyone explain this?


-------- Wendy,

What kind of monitor do you have? I have a friend riding with the belt monitor, and after riding last year with some false readings, she has found a way to stabilize it, and now is gettng accurate readings. Most of the discrepencies were at the canter. It had been registering readings that were about 1/2 of what they should be.

Roger R., if you are reading this, I talked to you at the convention about why you can't get accurate readings with the monitor on the belt. (I was the tall lady). You said that the skin would slide under the unit, and you could not stabilize it. My friend has found a way to velcro that part of it, so that almost the entire unit is held against the horse, down by the girth. I know the horse well, and her typical readings (after using the standard wire model for years). The readings she is getting now, are compatable with what I am seeing on my mare.

Also, some horses will show a lower rate at the canter.


To: ridecamp@endurance.net

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