ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Nutrena,GAGs

Re: Nutrena,GAGs

K S Swigart (katswig@deltanet.com)
Sun, 16 Mar 1997 19:06:03 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 16 Mar 1997 ISLNDGRL@aol.com wrote:

> If it came in 12% I would use it though.I just got a new product from my
> homeopathic vet. It's called Arthri-Soothe it has both chondroitin sulfate
> and glucosamine in it as well as anti-inflammatory herbs of Yucca ,
> boswellia,schidgera, and Vit C and E. The 75 day supply for a horse was

Beware of using this product at or leading up to an endurance ride, as it
appears to contain substances that are considered drugs under the AERC
drug policy. I don't know what amounts are in the feed, or what amounts
used are considered against the policy, but _I_ would be VERY careful,
and find out a lot more, before I started using it on an endurance
horse. 'Cuz it might get you in trouble without you even realizing it.

Orange County, Calif.

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