> Larry,
> A few of us from the list are considering attending, but are
concerned> about the trails. Rumor has it they are mostly "up and
downhill, on> ledges" in ...really big drop offs. Could you
advise me and> I'll pass it on, or send a description to the list. I
am looking at> this as a non race training ride and others I know are
considering> should they take their more experienced horses or maybe
some not so> experienced.
> Also, in terms of snow melt and ground wetness, what do you predict
the> trails will be like at the end of April? cold will it
be at> night. And.. what are the elevations and changes?
> Thank you in advance for your reply,
> Kimberly
The Fun Ride is just a fun ride at you own pace. No awards, just a
GREAT time and a chance to ride part of the Western States Trail.
Trails will be in good shape for our Fun Ride and the snow is too far
away to be of concern.. So we will have an update on our Web Page
aboutthe description of the trails...stay tuned. Be sure to check our
WebPage for updates at
Larry Suddjian