The first horse we ever got was a little white pony of dubious heritage
named Sugar. All four of us kids just loved her and would want to ride at
the same time. Sugar however would choose her ride times and would
definitely limit the number of passengers. We started the Sugar Lump club.
Whoever was dumped the most was the president of the club. I believe that
yours truly is the life-time president. It took years for me to learn that
staying on was a good idea. I traded away a perfectly good endurance pony
named Shortie who flung me into the cactus. You can't tell me she didn't
aim either. Finally years have passed and I have forgiven old Shortie. She
is in the backyard living out the rest of her days. (I'm not getting on her
though.) She is 33 years old this year. I'm not planning on starting any
new clubs now. The bones can't take it....Jane