Re: Questions

Susan F. Evans (
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 15:20:37 -0800

> 1) What could be causing a horse's back to be sore if both poor saddle fit and poor rider riding has been ruled out? Who would I get to check
her out? (chiro,

I had a sore-backed horse once with a good saddle etc...called the
equine chiropractor who said it was caused by needing his TEETH
floated---I'm not kidding. Sure enough, he did. The chiro said points
were soring his cheek, so he clenched his teeth to minimize discomfort,
which made jaw muscles sore, which made neck stiff, which caused
unbalanced movement, which affected his back. Anyway, got teeth
floated, problem went away. I'm not saying your horse's teeth need
floated, but I'd try calling an eq chiro and see what he/she says.

> 2) After a tough workout, what do you do to your horse's legs to stop possible filling?

Filling is a response to overload---are you maybe working him TOO hard?

3) What recipes for sweats do you guys have?

I like to mix up furazone with DMSO, smear it on thick, cover with saran
wrap and then quilty and bandage, then wash off next day.

Susan Evans