1) What could be causing a horse's back to be sore if both poor saddle =
fit and poor rider riding has been ruled out? Who would I get to check =
her out? (chiro, vet, ???)=20
2) After a tough workout, what do you do to your horse's legs to stop =
possible filling?
3) What recipes for sweats do you guys have?
4) Has anyone out there had their horse reach up and kick his front =
tendon with his rear leg? Mine has done this 2x earning a 6 month rest =
(vet thought that he had bowed it) and now an 8 week rest. It's good to =
learn he wasn't bowing it, but tough being side tracked AGAIN. What kind =
of recovery things did you do with your horse?
P.S. For Kat - that TB mare of mine EASILY walks at 5.5 mph. I can't =
walk fast enough to keep up and I run regularly!!