<< I was wondering where the combination of ingredients came from for your
"sweat". The inclusion of so many different homeopathic ingredients could
actually be confusing to the body. Remember that homeopathy is based on the
law of similars. The introduction of a small amount of a substance that
mimics the "dis-ease" and causes the body to martial its defenses against
Understanding the actual injury is very important in the holistic approach,
more than the application of a number of solutions. >>
While I agree, mixing the H remedies IS not a recommended procedure of the
classical homeopath.. the principle I follow,, but others believe blends do
work..the postion is that the body will only react to the correct remedy in
the blend. I dont concurr.
However, it appears many of the classical homepaths will accept the blend of
ARINCA, RUTA, RHUS as effective and not contridictive. I use the indivdual
remidies if I know for sure what I correcting. I also use the commercial
blended products which do appear to work quite well as a leg aide.
When I am treating a problem I use only ONE remedy at a time.