OK, this is a good piece of evidence. Leads me to believe that glycogen
supplementation DURING the event might be more effective than a loading
process before--unless you have a naturally sleepy horse that you want to
wake up for the event. Heeavier exercise during the loading process isn't
much of a solution, at least at first glance, because you're burning the
you're trying to load. Also, you're using up other nutrients that should be
at peak at competition.
Don't like the idea of a bran mash during competition, or anytime, actually.
It inhibits absorption of other nutrients. The only bran I might consider is
rice bran--because of gamma oryzanol content and some decent fats. By the
way, one wat to "dope down" a hyper horse on the day of competition is fat
the morning. But be careful--he might be sluggish all day long.
Many riders are now using rice bran for that reason...actually a "mash" is
sometimes just made with grain and water with electrolytes, carrots,
etc..because horses will eat them this way. The horse I pre-loaded with
grain is a very energetic stallion..one of the ones you can't give much grain
to anyway....I learned my lesson.
Tell me more about fat pre-ride and how it makes the horse sluggish.
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