Here in Western Australia, we generally have our vet checks 30 minutes after
the return to ride base. There is some desire to use more vet gate into
hold, particularly after a couple of our best riders went to the US and
competed in rides that used vet gate and hold. They really liked that system.
I think we will discuss this at our AGM in a couple of weeks, and would like
to canvass as many opinions as possible on how well it works, the
requirement for helpers and vets (just as a matter of interest, how many
vets and TPR stewards etc do you generally have at US rides?), any other
comments. I know there are some correspondents on the list from other Aussie
states, so your opinions would be great to hear, too.
Thanks, in advance.
Anne Barnes
Murdoch University
Western Australia
Dr. Anne Barnes
Lecturer, Veterinary Reproduction
School of Veterinary Studies
Murdoch University
Murdoch, W. A. 6150
Phone : (09) 360 2643
Fax : (09) 310 7495.