Re: steep hills and cantering.
Truman Prevatt (
Wed, 30 Oct 1996 19:30:43 -0500
>A few thoughts I have on the matter.
>As you said, the slope matters, but what also matters is the
>If it is a slight slope, and the footing is nice thick
>dirt/decomposed leaves, with excellent traction, I think, if the
>horse is accustomed to it, doing a moderate trot or slow canter
>is appropriate. You can make up quite a bit of time, and
>it will not be concussive if the horse is balanced.
>Up here, we have extremely hard dirt roads with rocks, and trails
>with rocks. I think it is better to slow down on surfaces like
Very good point, Karen. Going fast downhill a steep down hill in deep sand
will more than likely result in a blown tendown or ligament. Steep
downhills in deep sand is extremely stessful.
Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL