rear end soreness
Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:52:26, -0500
Now that my horse is definitely 100% lame in the hocks (after a blister and
floroscope showing calcification) I can tell you he is VERY tight and sore
in the muscles from above the hocks to his tail in the rear. Also sore on
the very top on his butt, and on one side of his neck! I believe this
muscle soreness can be definitely attributed to the hock lameness. He is
very stiff in the back legs and looses his balance. He walks very wide. I
can't imagine him backing up right now! We are continuing treatment, so I
will let you know how it goes. I mention this because lots of horses seem
to have this elusive rear end lameness. Well these are the symptoms of a
very sore hocked horse! Are they similar to what your horse is doing?
Louise Burton