Re: adjustment of hips
Thu, 3 Oct 1996 16:46:52, -0500
I just took my horse to the chiropractor because for years he has had rear
end problems, mainly muscle soreness. After listening to this listserve,
and talking to a lady whose horse used to fall down in back, I was
beginning to think his hip was out. Well, he poked and prodded on the back
and said HOCKS! We sonogramed, and yes, he has calcification in both
hocks. He said the avoidance of the pain in his hocks was causing the
muscles to tighten and become sore! So we are working on helping the hocks
at the moment. I guess what I'm trying to say is from what I have read and
heard, muscle soreness is often the result of a problem somewhere else, and
it OFTEN turns up in the back!
Louise Burton
FA AL BADI+, who is dying to race again!