ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Fly Sprays/Suggestion
Re: [endurance] Fly Sprays/Suggestion
Bonnie Snodgrass (snodgrab@ncr.disa.mil)
Wed, 26 Jun 96 08:10:35 EST
Heres something that really does help with flies around the barn.
Flies are day fliers only. At night they land on any convenient
surface, walls, ceilings, etc. If you have your own barn you can
really knock down a lot of them because of their night time habits.
Buy a 1-3 gal pump-up sprayer. Purchase an insecticidal concentrate
intended for barn and livestock application. I use a permectrin
concentrate that is safe for animals and premises. I qt makes 100-200
gal. With horses turned out, spray the interior walls and ceilings and
exterior walls if dry weather. Remove buckets, tubs and feed before
spraying. The flies will land on the surfaces, pick up the insecticide
and die, die ,die! The synthetics, like permectin have a longer life
than pyrethrin. Do not do this if you have swallows in your barn. It
will drive them out and they are every bit as good at fly killing.
Wait till they have finished nesting and vacated.
Bonnie Snodgrass