>Who was it that ran and leaped over their horse's rump and inot the saddle???
> Roy Rogers or Gene Autry?? Of course, at 40 miles into a 50 or 90 miles
>into a 100, not many of us have that kind of energy! So, a lesson in
>mounting properly.
- snip -
>All kidding aside, many riders grab the cantle with the right hand and the
>pommel with the left, put their left foot in the stirrup and then drag
>themselves up into the saddle. If you ride in the Sports Saddle or with a
>loose cinch, this won't always work. Try as I suggested - grabbing onto the
>neck/mane - instead of the pommel - with the left hand.
I wanted to thank everyone who responded to this, as it has motiviated me to
work on this issue once again. I do mount with my left hand on his neck,
btw, as I hope to ride NATRC as well and so am practicing my mounting, both
sides, etc. I realize I am "heavy" when getting into the saddle and am
working on that "spring up".
Other suggestions were:
- place hand on other side of saddle to help hold it down and reduce amount
of weight on mounting side (I can't reach over his back...)
- train horse to stand by things for mounting through slow desensitization
or through training by giving carrots everytime you mount.
I personally like the carrot idea and bought some last night. I did give
him hay after mounting Sun and will keep it up. The idea here is that he
will learn to look forward to me getting on and so not try to avoid it.
I've tried the desensitization methods and it did not work (for me - no
claims to being a trainer here!)
Re: flying mounts... funny story. I was working on desentising Graham to
mounting, doing a John Lyons type of getting him used to all the small
steps that lead up to mounting. A girl I board with was teasing me for
"going to slow, just get up on him". She walked over talking to me and next
I know she leaps up in the air and onto his back... If Graham was a bucker
she would of been flying - he was quite startled and I was quite angry -we
had a talk to say the least. It's just interesting as she must be in her
30's and vaults onto her 15hh horse to ride bareback regularly. Must be nice!
- Carrie and Graham (TWH)
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