>What I -really- want to learn how to do, is that cool 'vault' into the
>saddle that they do in the movies. Richard Gere did it in First Knight,
>and Brad Pitt does it in Legends of the Fall. You know, stand next to
>horse holding reins in left hand and facing rear of horse. Then swing
>right leg up and over and land in saddle?! Anybody know how to do that
>one or how to learn?
Sure thing, you just start with a 16 year old's body, get a short horse
(mine was 14-2) and ride bareback all summer long (ps I am 5'7" ) I NEVER
had a problem using this mounting technique when I was a LOT younger. Now a
days however, I am reading all of the other posts with great
interested!!!:-) Seriously I am working on my own conditioning and as I
get into better shape and there is less of me to get UP into the saddle, I
am finding some of the spring of my youth.