ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Intro and Saddle Query
Re: [endurance] Intro and Saddle Query
Roberta Lieberman (rlieberman@phillips.com)
Mon, 17 Jun 1996 14:09:47 -0400
>>>I've just gotta ask the ever famous question:
What saddle do you ride/prefer?<<<
Hi Bonnie,
My favorite saddle is *The saddle my horse likes.*
Just a few thoughts for you (books could be, and have been, written on
this topic):
*Given that you bought a young horse at a relatively early stage in
his training, know that his shape will change as he becomes fit.
Therefore, the saddle you buy today may not fit him three months from
now. So I wouldn't invest your life savings in your "ultimate" saddle
yet! Scrape by with your old jumping saddle if it seems to work (i.e.,
it sits fairly level, isn't pinching his shoulders or bridging, has
enough back and withers clearance, etc. etc.). Invest in a quality
saddle pad, like a Cloud Nine, to protect his back in the interim.
This will give you a chance to check out other saddles.
A great resource for saddle fit is Dr. Joyce Harman and her SaddleTech
computerized program -- with which she can test several saddles using
infrared technology to pinpoint precisely any "hot spots" your saddle
is creating on your horse. You can reach Joyce at 540/675-1855 (that's
in Orlean, VA). Another terrific person to know is Susie Coffey, who
does expert saddle fit analysis and restuffing of your existing
saddle. She's in Woodbine, Maryland, at 410/489-3636. She will also
observe you riding and can spot subtle imbalances and sidedness.
And, of course, keep reading EQUUS -- a recent article on buying
saddle pads was really a neat little review of saddle fit.
I'm really glad the Old Dominion inspired you to buy a horse -- hope
to see you on the trails in Fort Valley!
Bobbie Lieberman and Fine Print