ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Trail Marking Ideas -Reply
Re: [endurance] Trail Marking Ideas -Reply
Thu, 13 Jun 1996 22:29:26 -0400
I liked the color concept of the Netherlands - we do that in America with
stop lights on the roads: green - go /red- stop
and yellow caution. It would be interesting for a "Trail Marking" committee
or input for the AERC to consider "Best Practices" of all the rides and
determine some really good ones that many riders appreciate and make a
'standard' (no not a rule) but a suggested guideline or standard; that way
where ever you rode trail in the US you would have an idea at an AERC ride
what to expect.
We do that same concept on the roads in our cars....
Just a thought.
Wendy R.
Washington state