June 4, 1996
Today, June 4, 1996 will be recorded as a milestone date in the effort to re-open "No Hands" Bridge across the American River near Auburn, CA.
At approximately 9:45 A.M., Steve Anderson, Resource Planner representing the
U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, gave permission to design and install a gate
system at each end of the bridge. The design will be based on an opening
that will be wide enough for passage of a pick-up truck and tall enough for
a mounted equestrian. There will be a device to lock the gates as is now
installed on the existing 48" x 48" gate on the El Dorado side barricade.
Upon receipt of this authority, the Western States Trail Foundation arranged
for a site visit to determine the concept approved by USBR. At 7 P.M. a
representative of WSTF met with Bill and Jared, owners of High Sierra
Fabricators, Newcastle, CA so a design could be developed and cost of
construction established. Preliminary discussions set a three workday time
schedule to complete re-work and installation of the gates after shop
fabrication time. Cost related to this project will be available in a few
A meeting has been set up next week where representatives of the USBR, Auburn
State Recreation Area, WSTF, Western States Endurance Run Foundation, Robie
and Barner Foundations, and Neil Moore will discuss the next phase of the
stabilization project.
The cooperation of ALL agencies, foundations and persons around the world has
been an example of how the private sector and volunteers can accomplish an
almost impossible task for the satisfaction of the public. Our government
really does listen to the voice of the community. Signatures have been
collected from 4,979 persons that have requested the Western States Trail be
preserved and the bridge be repaired and kept open to the public in the
meantime. Petitions continue to come in from all over the world and this
process will continue until the bridge is re-opened.
Everyone is encourage to keep writing your local elected officials, continue
to circulate the petitions, and participate in the "Save No Hands Bridge"
fundraisers until the bridge is repaired and reopened.
For more information contact the Western States Trail Foundation, 701 High
Street, Suite 228C, Auburn, CA 95603. 916/823-7282, FAX: 916/823-7901; e-mail: 102437.3565@CompuServe.COM or TevisLAS@AOL.COM or wstf@foothill.net
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Suddjian, Vice President & Ride Director