I tack up over 60 horses for my vacation business, and I agree with Alois
Podhajsky: horses should be fitted with the bit just high enough that it
does not crinkle the corners of the lips. (I'm aware that many texts and
instructors will tell you otherwise, but, after 25 years with hundreds of
horses, I'm pretty sure they're wrong)
Well, one more point to ponder here... and that is the style of going as it
relates to the bit. I believe that teaching a horse to go in an english style,
generally teaches the horse to be "on" the bit whereas western bitting
teaches the horse to stay behind the bit.
Assuming I'm correct on this, then how the bit is fit in the mouth has as
much to do with the style the horse is trained in. For instance, it seems
that if a horse is taught to be on the bit, then a bit that is fit without slack
in the mouth would be most comfortable since the horse wouldn't have to
maneuver his head to get a good feel of the bit. However, a horse taught
in the western style to be behind the bit, would be completely relaxed
about the bit hanging with slack in the mouth since this complements the
behind the bit training which the horse has learned.
I'm guessing that Lari's vacation business is all western bitted horses?