ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Pedometer
[endurance] Pedometer
videoman (videoman@netcom.com)
Fri, 22 Mar 1996 07:43:12 -0800
A horse pedometer is available through one of the endurance tack/supplies
catalog. I just ordered one and expect it in the mail today I hope! I have
the catalog at work and will get the name and 800-# and post it tonight. I
called the woman who sells them and asked lots of questions. She has and
uses one. It is like a watch with three sets of numbers (3 circles of
numbers). It counts how many times the foot hits ground and you read how
far you have gone based on the horses height. She says it is her experience
it is accurate within 10-15 feet per mile. It is not water/sand proof, so
you need to cover it real good in Saran-Wrap or something to protect it. I
will let you know how I like it when I get to try it out (hopefully this
- Carrie and Graham
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