>I've seen a couple TB in endurance rides. Even though the riders are
>careful, the TB seem to get hot and tired quickly. They cannot cool
>off fast enough. This gives them excess muscle fatigue. So over the
>longer distances, they just get tired.
I do not agree with this. If you haven't seen many, don't generalize about
the rest of them. I have seen a few that have done VERY well- completed
Fort Valley 100, OD 100, and the like!
Some of them ARE built light enough to withstand the heat. DOn't forget
that a LOT of 3 day events are RUN during the hot humid summer. Now, I will
agree that they may take a little longer to have their heart rates come
down, but overall, they could do fine.
>The Arabs on the other hand have blood vessles close to the surface
>to enhance cooling.
NO closer than a TB. SOme of the finest skinned horses I KNOW are TBs, and
some of the thickest are Crabbet Arabs!
They have a greater fast twitch to slow twitch
>muscle ratio (I think I got that right way round).
NOpe, it's the other way around. Slow twitch can sustain anaerobic
metabolism better. Fast twitch are for racing, aerobic metabolism.
They also have larger windpipes
>to take in more air to keep from getting winded over the long haul.
This is also not necessarily true. In fact, one could argue that being bred
to race requires even MORE space in the throat/trachea because of increased
air demand! I know of race trainers who specifically look for space between
the mandibles!
>They seem to learn what a ribbon is for:-) They can find a trail
>on their own:-) And they always know the way home:-)
SO can TBs. And other breeds.
The only thing I DON"T like about TBs is they are a little BIG for me and
some like to play too much.
>And besides, would you rather spend your day with a ex-race horse
>with no personality, or with a beautiful Arab that has an over
>abundance of personality. :-)
ONe of my favorite Tbs has a personality some Arabs would die for. Loves
HUGS! and will let you scratch his ears any time of day.
That depends on what kind of a fruitcake the Arab was compared to the nice
solid TB hunters I have ridden.
I realize this was just your opinion, and normally I would be the first to
put down a TB, but I think this stereotyped a little too much! :)
Gwen Dluehosh ***!!!OPEN HOUSE JUNE 22, 1996!!!***
Desert Storm Arabians (|^|) "Pretty enough to show,
2249 Mount Tabor Rd / \--__--_ tough enough to RIDE!"
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Endurance, racing, | + | \-__---_ mares, and foals, some
halter stock available ()+() \___--- for sale or lease!