>From Carrie & Graham:
> Just recently some endurance acquantances of mine experienced a traumatic
> experience with a rider falling and being unconscious miles and miles from
> anywhere. One rider stayed with the fallen and one went for help and the
> fallen was helicoptered out. She is FINE thank goodness.
I just have to ask... was she wearing a helmet or not? ;-)
*Not* trying to re-open the helmet wars here ... just curious since she was
knocked unconcious. 2 possible responses and likely resulting theories:
1 Yes. People who don't wear helmets will think to themselves "see...
doesn't matter anyways so why bother?"
2 No. People who *do* wear helmets will think to themselves "see... it
can't happen to me." (not true)
Personally, I have been running my helmet into large tree limbs with my
head in it with frightening regularity lately. Gotta be more careful.
Any other helmet buffs have this problem? Or as Maryben would say "You
know, that horse has a steering wheel... "
Re: Chocolate
... has caffine in it which most likely tests positive. This is the same
reason you don't feed your show/endurance/race horse Pepsi or Mt. Dew.
Sounds silly but it *could* cover up something illegal that we would/should
all get really upset about.
Re: TB's in endurance. Hmm... I seem to have lost the origianl post from
overseas regarding why there aren't more TB's in endurance here. Since I
have one, I'm in your court. Why not? Theories: 1. Their feet don't hold
up. [question: How many Arab owners have feet problems?] 2. They eat too
much. 3. People actually read Deb Bennett and believe her when she says
they aren't built strong enough to actually be riding horses. 4. They're
too tall and boney to hop on bareback in the pasture. 5. It's too easy
to find a saddle that fits them. ;-)
Re: Tevis 30,000 ft elevation. If you re-read the original post it says
"30K ft in elevation *changes*". Which means down as well as up. Mostly
Re: Flappy raingear: Since I have a plastic-phobic horse, I can forward
my own humble opinion: On one hand, I think my brainless/trainless beast
is my own problem. On the otherhand, if you go out of your way to frighten
my horse *knowing* I have this problem then that's poor sportsmanship.
If someone wants to hike in the rain with a poncho on, that's a trail
hazzard I need to deal with. By the way, the poncho Magnum spooked at
was clear... He has also spooked at yellow slickers, blue tarps, black
plastic bags, red trail pads, his own blanket, that Goretex shell I have
and wear every time I see him... etc... but not consitantly. Wait, perhaps
we're back to why you don't see more endurance TBs... ;-)
Thanks to Diane for doing a great saddle search consolidation. Did anyone
catch Stacy's point regarding false advertising and the Boz saddle? If that
tree in their ad was special made and not really used in the saddles...
Thanks Dr. Newell for posting great suggestions regarding vacinations!
:) - kat
and Magnum the TB with his Stubben Survival saddle... is that the same
or different than a "Stubben Surviver" ???