Be sure and keep us updated. There was quite
a bit of discussion last year about how
western horses would do in the heat & humidity,
and how eastern horses would do in the western
Jude Hall
who is getting ready to "snip clip" my horses
again - maybe even a "trace clip" now....
>We have just started our planning for going out West this summer. Kathy is
>going to stay out West for the summer. I'll be out as much as possible.
>We are starting with the ROC. Just where is the ride located in Utah and
>what is the best way to get there from the Southeast?
> The race is not always to the swift, but to those that keep running.
> Truman and Mystic "The Horse from HELL" Storm
> and Danson "The Demon in Training" Flame
> - Sarasota, Florida