ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: Annoying Habit

[endurance] Re: Annoying Habit

Shannon Loomis (loomis.102@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu)
Mon, 19 Feb 1996 21:41:50 -0500


Thanks to all who responded already. I have some ideas to try next time I
get home. I have tried obstacles in her stall (she just walked right
through them) but not lots of poles and the tiny haynet holes should
frustrate her efforts enough to keep her occupied - I can't wait until
spring break!

Some more background. Quark paces even if the whole barn is filled with
horses. It doesn't make any difference if she is alone or not, she is not
frantic or lonely. In the pasture, she doesn't care if Star is there or
not, they basically ignore each other.

Someone wanted to know why I wanted to stall her... I agree that horses
should be out unless absolutely necessary and my guys are out year-round,
in all weather (which really sucks here in Ohio). They are very happy with
the arrangement and I wouldn't have the heart to lock them up all the time,
but Quark burned really bad last summer (despite gallons of sunscreen and
zinc oxide, a pasture full of shade trees and two covered runs) and I want
to keep that from happening again. I took her to a 2-day last year, even
though she only competed on the first day, and she paced all night and all
the next day. Also, several Pony Clubbers have borrowed her for regional
Rally (that's how nice and quiet she is!) and various shows and clinics
where the horses must be kept in stalls when not being used-she works
herself to death in a stall for a week. I also like being able to stall if
I need access to her quickly for some reason or in case of an emergency,
without worrying about her collapsing from fatigue.

Once again, any more ideas or "old horseman's tales" that anyone knows of
for this situation, I would really appreciate it.

Shannon Loomis and Quail Meadow Star (and Quark, the emergency back-up Arab)