ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] A message From NBC Concerning Olympic Equestrian Coverage

[endurance] A message From NBC Concerning Olympic Equestrian Coverage

Tommy Crockett (tcrocket@slonet.org)
Thu, 15 Feb 1996 09:04:25 -0800

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I'd suggest we keep hitting these guys up with as many letters as
possible. That might convince them Equestrian sports are not a minor


      Tommy Crockett, Los Osos, California USA, tcrocket@callamer.com
    tomydore@goblin.punk.net or DAMS028%calpoly%bitnet@cmsa.berkeley.edu
   "she'd buy betadine if she only had a dollar and she'd live out in the
               pasture if she only had a tail"     Johnaton Richmond

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Your information is incorrect. NBC has not finalized it's television schedule for the Olympics yet. It will be released in late June. ---------- From: uid no body Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 1996 2:35 PM To: nbc sports

It has come to my attention that NBC does not plan to make any widespread coverage (if any at all) of equestrian events during upcoming Olympic Games. This is an outragous miscarriage of programming time. The Equestrian is a multi-Billion dollar industry in the US and easily outsells equestrian goods to that of, say swimming or any other the other minor sports you will air. In Europe a world class dressage event is easily as important as any other sport other then say soccer. The only difference is that in the U.S. equestrain coverage is just ignored on commercial television.

It would greatly anger millions of Equestrians in America if NBC does choose to overlook Dressage, Combined training, Show Jumping, Endurance or Driving. There is already a groundswell effort over the internet to boycott NBC and make it known to the sponsors of NBC's Olympic Game Coverage we are boycotting their goods as well.

I certainly hope you pay attention to those of us who demand coverage and cover Equestrian events as they should be covered. Thank you for your kind consideration!

Thomas M. Crockett CC: Internet Equestrain Groups (Usenet) and Mailing Lists tomydore@goblin.punk.net or tcrocket@slonet.org

Tommy Crockett tcrocket@slonet.org

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