I have modified them by cutting out the right sized pieces from a garden
"kneeling pad" - kind of a high density foam - very similar material to
what I noticed as padding in some of the endurance stirrups for sale.
Really helps me - but then, I've yet to do a 50 mile ride. ;^)
Jude Hall
>Another question for the group - I ride in regular english stirrups with
>the white rubber pads in them. I notice that on a long ride my outside toe
>(or 2) sometimes goes to sleep...Would wider stirrups fix that problem?
>Someone suggested that to me at one time and I just wondered if any of you
>had any experience with it.
>Tina, hickst@nichols.com
>Andy (dal) CGC, 2/3 CD
>Tony - the dippy Arab (dippy is such a *strong* term - I prefer "sensitive
>to my environment")
>one husband and 7 fatcats in Huntsville, AL
>*These opinions are my own. If they were someone else's, they wouldn't
>be mine.*