Two things I've done so that I don't have to mix them at vetchecks.
1. Use all those empty stresspak syringes that you've saved and pack
them with enduralytes and applesauce - they stay soft for a couple
days and you can fit several in your fanny pack. (thanks Carol)
2. Use large syringes (60cc?) and fill them with the enduralyte
powder only. At vet checks just suck a little water into the syringe
and give it a shake - a little runnier than if mixed with applesauce
but works just fine. These are a little harder to fit in a fanny
pack but are *real* quick to administer.(thanks Pat and Clydea)
> Hope this helps,
> Dom
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Dominique Freeman | "Life is short, science is long" |
> | | Hewlett Packard Laboratories, | |
> Palo Alto, CA USA | | Phone: (415) 857-8596 | | FAX: (415)
> 852-8576 | |
> ______________________________________________________________________