ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] horse toys

[endurance] horse toys

Wed, 29 Nov 95 06:58:45 PST

Tether Balls (hung up) and hoppity hops (loose on the ground- remember
those rubber air-filled balls with a handle) have worked well at the
stables I've been at. We have a soft-plastic pipe in our paddock that
our Tennesee Walker plays with. I thought he'd hurt himself, but he
never has. I've also seen horses have a great time with empty trash


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: [endurance] horse toys
Author: MarkyMart@aol.com at Imail
Date: 11/28/95 8:14 PM

I have a question for everyone, Shai absolutely hates to be in her stall
other than to eat and maybe sleep at times she has to stay in during the day
like when it drops down below zero during the day.

I am searching for SAFE toys for her, she has a Pacifier which she and her
stall neighbor love to play with but she still takes big bites out of a board
in her stall.

I was thinking about one of those rope booda toys for dogs might be good for
her but i was conerned that she would destroy it and maybe get an impaction
which is the last thing I want to happen, since she is one of my best

Has anyone tried the horsey hangups advertised in the Horse Illustrated and
Horse and Rider?


Happy Trails

Bobbi & Shai