ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Thoughts on the Ride

[endurance] Thoughts on the Ride

Wed, 29 Nov 1995 02:59:45 -0500

I certainly love this forum where ideas flow so rapidly and with such great

I know that physical or metabolic tragidy can happen without warning and
without any outward appearances. That goes without saying in our sport.

I posted "The Win-Ego Button" so that we can look at examples and learn from
them, not so we can dust them under the carpet for no one to see or hear
about. Every rider reaches the point of 'do I push here or back off'. To deny
that this moment does not happen in every competive rider's mind or should
happen is a disservice to our sport. Experience and knowledge are key to the
correct decision. The experienced riders recognize the telltale signs of
fatigue in their horses. The over all safety records in this sport show that
service of endurance rider and horse exceeds all other equestrian events.

I think we've missed an interesting comment that has gone almost unnoticed.
The AERA (Australian Endurance) requires each horse to have a Log Book. The
vets would know what the horses scores were at prior rides including any
comments, a new rider would have info to work with on the upcoming ride,
breeders would even be able to brag about their horses and have proof in
hand. I wonder how American Riders would receive this?

Margie Beeson