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Subject: Re: [endurance] rec.equestrian
Date: 11/7/95 8:10 AM
From: IN%"loomis.102@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu" 6-NOV-1995 22:28:01.33
To: IN%"endurance@moscow.com"
Subj: [endurance] rec.equestrian
Don't worry about Terry VG, he has done *everything*, and it is all
boring, a waste of time, and requires little horsemanship skills -
-except- his favored sport, Polocrosse. His second favorite sport
is stirring things up on rec.equestrian.
What has bothered me in following the thread though, is that he has
managed to set some distance riders at odds with one another - I have
read several posts from CTR riders really slamming endurance riders/
Hmmmm, I know I'm new to distance riding, but here in Ohio, I haven't
noticed a difference in the way endurance riders care for their
horses, etc. Around here, many people ride both types of rides....
I just like to tell people I participate in "distance riding" with
my horse, as I do a little of both.
P.S. this is why I didn't ask my cherry leaf question on rec.equestrian,
as I'd be just as likely to be flamed as get my question answered!
You are right, this group is sooo different. (kinda like the distance
riding group in general) :^)
Jude Hall
>Has anyone else been keeping tabs on rec.equestrian? What started out as a
>very pleasant thread about CTRs has turned into a flame fest on distance
>riding. I sent a post last week and almost sent another today but I was so
>mad, I worried about my manners. The guy that is doing most of the flaming
>on my favorite sport is arrogant and egotistical and makes me so upset I
>could just spit. I thought the news group was somewhere to go to discuss
>stuff, not rip on other peoples sports. He is really, really giving
>distance riding a bad rep. It is nice to return to this list!
>Steaming in Ohio
>Shannon Loomis and Quail Meadow Star