ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] welfare vs. rights, Sports Saddle

[endurance] welfare vs. rights, Sports Saddle

Gwen Dluehosh (dluehosh@vt.edu)
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:18:17 -0500 (EST)

HI Bridget and everyone-
I should have caught that rights vs. welfare thing too. We are getting
slammed about it at vet school. According to the principals we are taught,
veterinarians ARE animal welfarists, and the extremist movement (in some
cases) are the people such as PETA. YOu are right, this really isn't the
place to discuss it--let's just say as a future vet I DO have the WELFARE of
animals and people in mind.

Not to be too opinionated, but:

As far as the SPortsaddle goes, I know several heavyweights including me who
have used this saddle as a LONG distance saddle, and in fact have NEVER had
any of the back soreness on the horse associated with other nameless treed
saddles. I DON't think of my Sportsaddle as a glorified bareback pad, it has
saved my behind (and it's a big one) on more than a few spooks. Even though
it is lightweight, it is a substantial and very soothing saddle to ride in-I
feel like I am being "hugged" and it also lets the horse's warmth come right
thorugh to you. It flexes with the horse and I can feel what's going to
happen almost before it DOES.
It's probably the best saddle there is for horse and rider comfort if you
have a roly poly horse and big rider... I am also sure there are ten
thousand opinions on it too.
Sorry if I come on too strong about this, but I REALLY like my SportSaddle.
> however, because of the weight-distribution thing for long distance.
> In the meantime, it's the most comfortable & secure bareback pad

> distances, I highly recommend it. I think it was too expensive for the
> sum of the materials, though ($695). It is well-made, at least. Oh, and
| Gwen Dluehosh "Pretty enough to show, |
| Desert Storm Arabians (| |)_____ tough enough |
| 2249 Mt. Tabor Rd / \ \__=___ to RIDE." |
| Blacksburg, VA 24060 (= + =) \___=___ |
| 540/953-1792 \ + / \__=____ |
| dluehosh@vt.edu | + | \____=___ |
| Endurance/racing ()+() \ _______ |
| halter stock available \_/ |