ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: HIND LEG - FETLOCK Swollen


Rose Dewar (rose@cee.hw.ac.uk)
Tue, 22 Aug 1995 12:28:33 +0100

>My horse hind left fetlock turned up swollen this weekend in a way I havent
>seen before - normal riding, then 2nd day slightly harder - nothing he hasnt
>done before - both hind's have had slight wind puffs that go away - this is
>He did slip on the day prior to its truly showing swollen on a muddy section
>of uphill - nothing to weird, but had moved on and seemed fine - finished a
>12 mi work, then did a harder work next day -

I'd be inclined to get the Vet out to check it. Sometimes a twist/slip on
mud can strain or pull a tendon; you'd get heat and swelling, and might not
get obvious lameness.

Lots of other things could cause this - some serious and some not so
serious, but the Vet should be able to advise you better. Keep on with the
cold hosing; that can't do any harm. And rest is probably a good idea until
your Vet can advise you what to do.

I hope it *isn't* anything serious; perhaps some of the Vets on the group
could chip in here?
