ridecamp@endurance.net: HIND LEG - FETLOCK Swollen


Tue, 22 Aug 1995 02:20:30 -0400

Hi - if anyone has input need to hear -
My horse & I both thank you in advance for your input!
My horse hind left fetlock turned up swollen this weekend in a way I havent
seen before - normal riding, then 2nd day slightly harder - nothing he hasnt
done before - both hind's have had slight wind puffs that go away - this is
He did slip on the day prior to its truly showing swollen on a muddy section
of uphill - nothing to weird, but had moved on and seemed fine - finished a
12 mi work, then did a harder work next day -

-He is not showing any signs of being lame or off
-He rides/feels the same

-there is slight heat
-it is swollen the same on either side of the fetlock, it is not hard,
but not soft like the small wind puff type I have seen before
- it is about 2 inches high and wide at the most for size, on both sides of
fetlock, more near the front than back

What have I done? I iced it for 2 days, it's wrapped now & he is out in a
grass paddock, but not large pasture

Does anyone know what this is? Is it serious, or could it be - any
sugggestions? I'm willing to pull him for rest, but how long? until it's
visably not noticable or does he need longer time?

Thanks again! from both me & Motown (my gelding)
May we all Ride Safe & Sound
Wendy Rude
Washington State