ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Vermont 100

RE: Vermont 100

Lori Hayward (lahaywar@ffx.mobil.com)
Wed, 2 Aug 1995 13:51:35 -0400

Lois - Thanks for the info. I was 10th in the 100 (tough ride! as you can
see I had to ask for results!). I do remember Kim Orr was the 50 winner.
I was wondering what had happened to the horses that got loose on
Sunday. Sorry to hear but glad it wasn't more serious than it was.
Did anyone hear what happened to the 2 horses that ran through camp on
Saturday morning just before the ride? I know Stagg's horses were alright
but never heard anything on the 2 that started the mini stampede. I
also remember a girl from woodstock(or close)Wendy ???? was 9th and a girl
from Canada was 8th I think in the 100. Thanks again!