PERMISSIBLE SUBSTANCES ( non inclusive list)
Electrolytes ( may be administered orally by syringe)
Linaments that do not contain materials absorbed into the body
such as alcohol, Absorbine)
All foodstuffs traditionally known as "nutrients"
Non absorbable topical wound dressings
Ice and Ice water
Compounds to synchronize estrus ( Regumate)
( not permissible during competition)
Any substance by injection or stomach tube
Vitamins in megadoses ( as touted for permormance rather than nutrient
"nutrient substances administered in megadoses to acheive a
pharmacological effect ( DMSO, DMG,Yucca, MSM, label amounts
are as an anti inflammatory, not as a source of sulfur)
Any medication having the following actions:
Anti-inflammatory, steroidal & non-steroidal
Stimulants, including caffein & chocolate
Depressant or tranquillizing
Analgesia or anesthesia (Procane Penicillin contains a
local anesthetic that can be picked up for
01-4 days from time of administration)
Vasoactive ( e.g. Isosoxsuprine)
Masking substances:
Thiamine injectable
Sulfa drugs ( not all laboratories)
Benziamdole wormers
Miscellaneous categories:
Any injectable containing Propyl-ethylene-glycol
as a carrier (e.g. E-Se injectable)
Linaments that contain DMSO, Methol or Camphor
(e.g. Bigeloil or Mineral Ice)
Natural or Holistic preparations containing herbs, animal/insect extracts etc.
It is recommended that they not be given during the hours of
competition since the effects of such administration cannot
be know with reuard to safety, testability and fairness.
Many have no list of ingredients, Some contain or react as
substances which will be picked up either as prohibited
or mashinkg substances. (No warnings are available
reguarding withdrawal times.)
It is advised than non-permissible substances not be given within
96 hours of the competition to minimize any likelihood of
a substance being picked up on testing. (see above reference "
"natural substances")
NOTE: It must be understood that this list is not and cannot be
all inclusive. New drug development and testing technology will
require periodic revision of this or future tests.
There- now I've reviewed it, you can see it, and I can get
back to sorting awards on my front porch, with the aid of coffee!
Ann & Ths Salsa Guys