Re: [RC] AERC changing to FEI like rules?? - Sandy Adams
hate to say it and I know it will make a few people angry but check the news wire these days - it isn't the degradation of the integrity of the sport, but far more the disintegration of the integrity of persons. I don't recall 15 years ago hearing reports about suing vets, shouting obscenities at other riders as they were racing down COMMUNITY TRAILS; knocking bikers off trails, cheating by SWAPPING HORSES in vet checks; and even cutting trail was so rare it was almost funny, imagining someone would bother, since the intent of endurance was to...endure! Now it seems there are far too many people with an IRRATIONAL need to win! Good night, IRENE! This is a SPORT, NOT life or death - though it may well be someday if people don't stop with the nonsense.
It doesn't appear to me to be the integrity of the sport - but the integrity of the participants, and because FEI is peopled by a far higher % of competitively driven people, AERC could not HELP but become entrenched in the idiocy we see in the events we are trying so hard to avoid. I like the comparison... a few weeks ago, someone stated that it was WAY more fun when all the rules could be written on a napkin. I am SO there.
On Feb 5, 2009, at 9:21 AM, Barbara McCrary wrote:
Why has the sport descended into this mess of regulations anyway? Has there been so much degradation of the integrity of the sport that we have to regulate it to death?