So I'm guessing this if for pastures/paddocks that are smaller and/or don't vary in their terrain at all, e.g. don't have natural obstacles for the horses to maneuver around/through?
Katrina Mosshammer (AERC # 5763)
Although the track system CAN be used to create more usuable space for horses on a small acreage, it's truly designed to create a 'track' through whatever terrain your property can provide that you'd like your horses to encounter. You can INSURE that your horses maneuver through whatever obstacles/terrain you'd like. Before my Paddock Paradise system was built, my horses never chose to climb the shale hill in the woods at the back of the pasture. Now they do just that because the track takes them over hill and dale on their route around our property. Jamie Jackson came up with the idea of a track system after he observed wild mustangs following an 'invisible' 'track on a routine basis instead of just wandering aimlessly across the land available to them.
The one bit of advice I'd share in building a track system is to make it wider than you think you need. We found that creating too many stretches of 15' wide parts for 3 horses was asking for trouble. We also ended up going back and making all of our inside corners a half of a stop sign shape instead of a sharp 90 degee angle.