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Fwd: [RC] fencing question - Karen Sullivan

I hate barbed wire and high tensile...both are horse killers....T
posts also are dangerous and should always be capped.

before making safe choices (and vilnyl kicks into sharp shards), what
kind of posts do you have?

I would do either electrobraid.......or 4 or 5" stretched horse
no-climb with a strand of electric.

Don't make the mistake i did and to 4 rail wood....it needs constand

Paddocks and smaller areas do best with pipe panels....

Just my two cents worth, almost 20 years of replacing bad fencing.

On 11/2/09, vjhogen@xxxxxxxxxxxx <vjhogen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I need to get some opinions on fencing.  We bought our house 4 yrs ago, it
was fenced with 4 strand barb wire.  We ran a two strand hot wire fence
around to make two  dry lot areas.  This has worked fairly well, but I
noticed last winter that the white tape was stretching and not holding a
charge very well.  We are ready to redo the fencing.  I don't like the white
tape, so I am ready to change materials.. My horse shoer was telling me
about high tensile and he swears by it.  What are peoples opinions of it.
We are ripping out old barb wire fence lines and replacing those with
whatever we go with.  Our place is ten acres 9 of which is pasture.  We
currently have an 8 acre pasture and two seperate dry lots plus a large
corral off of the barn with no climb fencing.  The corral is in good shape,
so it doesn't need any help.  What kind of luck have people had with fencing
options.  I love the look of vinyl, but that isn't an option right now..
Our entire place is fenced in with barb wire, we have a gate on the drive
way.  Should we keep that the way it is, and just run new fencing lines
where we want them inside?

Thanks, you guys are always full of good info..

vickie hogen


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[RC] fencing question, vjhogen