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RE: [RC] Lake Carl Blackwell trail - EnduroGal

…And I drink Diet Coke with my big bag of potato chips to cancel out the calories!  ;-))


From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Susan
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 7:57 PM
To: ridecamp
Subject: RE: [RC] Lake Carl Blackwell trail


EnduroGal <endurogal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Nice, logical response!  See, if that had been mentioned in the first email next to the word “bulldozer,” nobody would have needed to take an ice cream break!  J  


LOL!  I've had to take THREE Old-Fashioned-Strawberry-Donut breaks today!  It's all good though; I don't add sugar to my pot of coffee.


Susan "I'm staying in my weight division" Young


RE: [RC] Lake Carl Blackwell trail, Susan